This is my plea to couples to stop having their Aunt, Mom, Sister, etc. “assist as needed” on their wedding day. I could go on and on about how this is counter productive but instead I’ve listed out a few of the most damning reasons as to why this is just going to cause you and your partner more stress on your wedding day. Keep reading to find out why your wedding coordinator doesn’t need help.

They aren’t in the loop.
Throughout planning you’ll have countless conversations with your wedding coordinator about decor placement, timing, and layout for your wedding day. Your Aunt Susan was not there throughout planning and she isn’t in the loop. She doesn’t know your design scheme and when your coordinator has to follow behind her and replace everything that they’ve probably already displayed properly earlier in the day, it just puts them behind on the timeline. We understand that there may be some design aspects (like family heirlooms) that you would be more comfortable with a family member handling and that’s totally fine! When our couple’s fill out their decor instructions document leading up to the wedding there is a place for that to be noted.

You will be more stressed.
Another item we will discuss throughout planning is how you would like different situations handled should they arise. The number one reason that couples hire a wedding coordinator is to ensure that they will have a stress-free day. Having a family member who will report back to you when anything goes differently than planned will stress you out. Even an incredibly well planned wedding will have hiccups and as professionals we know how to handle these situations. When you leave the coordinating to the professionals, you won’t find out about any of the minor snafus. When you have a family member reporting back to you it will cause you and your coordinator to be more stressed and on edge. Leave the problem solving to the professionals so that you can enjoy your day and live in the moment.

You paid us to do this job.
You hired your wedding coordinator because you wanted a professional to make your wedding run smoothly. Chances are, you paid a lot of money to have a professional on-site and ready to handle any and all issues that pop up. If your family member is preventing us from properly doing our job then you just threw your money away. You probably spent hours researching coordinators in your area and built trust with the one that you chose to hire. Trust your decision and your wedding coordinator to make your wedding day everything that you hoped it to be.
I could keep going on the reasons that your family member or friend doesn’t need to assist us on your wedding day. We appreciate their enthusiasm and respect that they want to make your wedding day perfect. Whenever someone offers to help setup or keep things on track for your wedding, simply let them know that you appreciate the offer but have hired a professional to do this job. The best way that your friends and family can assist you on your wedding day is by being present and living in the moment with you. Haven’t booked your coordinator yet? Inquire with Kathryn Rose Event Company to make sure that your wedding day is stress-free and a day that you’ll never forget.